Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Day Two Slump

We have a field report from Kim today. I asked her to keep us apprised of her WIP progress for the day, and this is what she said:

I grabbed the mitten and a hat WIP (Ewa if that matters) and headed off to work at the LYS. I helped someone else start a pair of the mittens and while doing that I finished the thumb. Now I just need to embroider both mitts and they are done!
Okay Kim, first of all, of COURSE it matters what WIP you take! There are .... shall we say.... several hats to choose from in your pile so it's good to know what made it out there into the world. And, great job on the progress!

There are multiples of several styles of hats in WIP Mountain (Divine hat anyone?).  We need to know what's making the cut.  Loving the forethought of taking WIPs with you!

Then Kim went on ...
 On a less positive note,

Oooohhh noooooooo.....

That's not what we like to hear.

... the LYS Owner wants a shop sample, so I'm going to make another mitt, possibly a pair. However, I can work on it at the store since it's for them, and judging by history I should have it done next week.

Ack! Another WIP on WIP Mountain. On top of WIP Moouuuuuntain..... all covered in mitts......

Dood, Stephanie, knock that off.

Fine, fine. You wanna tie today's report up in a bow for us, Kati? Preferably without butchering any songs?

Some days, there are setbacks - things beyond our control (like bosses who CLEARLY do not understand the size of WIP Mountain).  The important thing is to not let it throw you off track.  Tomorrow you'll get back on that horse and keep chipping away (are mixed metaphors better or worse than butchered songs?).  We know Kim and she will still get those 30 WIPs done by the end of the month.

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